Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Psalm 37:18 NAS
The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their inheritance will be forever.

I look around at our younger generation and see myself at their age. Running here and there, trying to get as much done as I can in one day. Always in a hurry. I wanted to do it all. Living for the moment, not looking beyond tomorrow and what tomorrow would bring. I thought there would always be another day.

Now that I've reached my golden years, and I've watched some of my close friends pass away, I've come to the reality of my own immortality. What have I done with my life and who will remember me when I pass on? Did I leave a legacy?

I know what I inherit when I die. From 1 Corinthians 16:53 comes this verse. "For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality."

I will live forever with my Lord and Savior, but what about my children, and my children's children? They are the ones I pray for every day. My husband and I planted the seed but it may take another to sow the seed and bring it to full bloom.

As I research my ancestors lives I wonder what church did they go to? Did they go to church? Did they belong to any affiliations where they lived? So many questions but the bigger question is will I see them again when I enter heaven's gate?

I didn't know my grandfather, great grandfather, or my great great grandfather, but they left their immortality through their children and their children's children. Their name will go on.

Dear Father I pray for my children and their children, that they accept Christ as their savior, and I will live for all eternity with them praising You every minute of every day. How Great Thou Art. Amen.

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