Tuesday, February 7, 2012


1 John 3:1 NIV
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.

My husband had asked me to put together receipts, etc. so he could look at it before we took it to our appointment with the income tax man. I wrote down every bit of money spent, from donations to credit cards. Everytime I looked at it I felt like a failure. I wasn't doing enough to put money in the savings or keeping the bills down to a minumum.

I know I spend money and can get caught up with the other ladies when I'm out shopping, but I have cut back. I went over all the events of last year and pieced together our expenditures. There were trips made, children moving in and out, and just the over all cost of living going up and up.

When we sat down to talk I was nervous. I expected him to really be upset with me but he wasn't. There wasn't any accusing, yelling, or finger pointing. I felt relieved but I also felt the love he has for me. I was bathed with the warmness of unconditional love.

Our Lord loves us with a love that is more than that. He loves us enough to send His one and only Son to live on earth and to die for our sins. He gave us His most precious gift. God wants to fellowship with each one of us. He desires to walk, talk, and sing with you daily. He is a loving Father wanting only His best for us. God loves you and wants to live with you for all eternity. Your decision to receive Christ as your Saviour means confessing your sins and believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and was raised for your justification.

Heavenly Father thank you for sending Your son Jesus to die for my sins. Thank you for Your love. Amen.

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