Friday, August 12, 2011


Daniel 1:17 (NAS)
And as for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and widsom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.

My title should probably read I had a dream. We all dream, some are more real than others. Most of our dreams we forget as soon as we get up in the morning. But then there are the ones that we remember and can't shake, or get out of our minds.

I had one such dream recently. I'd been to a writer's conference and when I returned home I was all pumped up and ready to write. One conference leader spoke right to me. I know she did, I even think she'd been hiding in my house watching me.

Anyway, I tucked away all the information that seeped into my brain and walked around with tiny bits bouncing to the front of my mind. I went to bed thinking of all this stuff. During the night I dreamed I received a check for five thousand dollars for a book I wrote plus another check, I still don't know what that one was for.

You can imagine how I felt the next morning. I got money for a story I wrote! Now I need to work on that story and finish it. Yes, it's in the process but now I need to bring it to completion.

My story and the check I dreamed about, I believe, is God's way of telling me I have great things planned for you. Follow me, I will never leave you. I will guide you. Keep your eyes upon Me.

Gracious Heavenly Father for never leaving me. Guide me as I write Your words. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Very good article and message, Sandy. It's a reminder that God can speak to us through our dreams, but we don't always recognize it.
